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ACFS Counter Fraud

Swift Edification, through partners Larus Consulting Ltd are offering an opportunity to individuals who have a counter fraud role in the workplace, those who support investigators in their work or to those that want to follow a career path in fraud investigation. 

The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist (ACFS) qualifications covers the specialist knowledge and skills required for to tackle financial fraud in the public or private sector.

This course aims to develop practitioners’ in-depth understanding of the fraud landscape. Learners will improve their knowledge and skills in bringing investigations to a successful conclusion and assisting organisations in early detection and prevention of economic crime offending. 

Awarded by the Counter Fraud Professional Awards Board (CFPAB) supported by Northumbria University, the ACFS course is specifically designed for practitioners whose work involves counter fraud and anti-corruption activities, including investigators, investigation managers, supervisors and internal audit staff. 

The CFPAB covers the United Kingdom and its aims are:

– To establish and maintain professional standards by way of set syllabi in the delivery of a portfolio of approved professional training courses in the field of counter fraud work.
– To actively promote professional training for counter fraud specialists and to work with organisations with a common interest in the development of professional training in this area.
– To oversee and regulate the delivery of CFPAB approved training courses, taking into account the quality and effectiveness of the courses and the professional competency of trainers delivering them.
– To provide professional awards to applicants who have successfully undertaken a CFPAB approved course

CFPAB awards are commonly recognised as a benchmark for the attainment of professional skills and knowledge in the field of counter fraud. Employers in both the public and private sectors frequently cite CFPAB awards as a mandatory requirement when advertising counter fraud roles.

Course Information For Learners

The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist (ACFS) programme is the industry standard qualification for professional fraud investigators and is the benchmark for counter fraud investigation training. Delegates will receive training in fraud knowledge and the skills required for effective end-to-end management of fraud and the undertaking of investigations to the standards required by criminal and civil courts. The course is ideal for practitioners in both the public and private sector with counter fraud responsibilities. Attendees are likely to be investigators, managers, supervisors, audit staff and HR professionals.

Duration – 15 Days (3 x Modules) Blended Learning
Learning Hours – 400 Hours
Taught – 120 Hours
Self-Directed Learning – 280 Hours

Course Content

Module 1 – Legislation and Core Pro-Active Areas Including:
• Legislation and Investigation (General)
• Fraud Act 2006
• Theft Act 1968
• Bribery Act 210
• Computer Misuse Act 1990
• Criminal Law Act 1977
• Identity Documents Act 2010
• Proceeds Of Crime Act (POCA) 2002

Module 2 – Core Investigative Principles and Investigative Interview Skills Including:• Case Management
• Evidence
• Obtaining and Providing Witness Statements
• preparation of Prosecution Files
• PEACE – Free Recall / Cognitive Interviews with Witnesses
• PEACE – Conversation Management
• Pre-Interview Briefings

Module 3 – Practical Investigation and Investigative Interviewing Skills • To provide delegates with an opportunity to develop and consolidate the knowledge and skills from Modules 1 & 2
• Delegates will practice a mock investigation, looking at offences and legislation, investigation process, sources of evidence, witness interviews, statements, pre-interview briefings and suspect interviews.

The programme involves a number of assessed elements, including open and closed book knowledge checks, post module assignments and performance feedback for trainer observed exercises.

On successful completion of the course delegates will be awarded the title of ‘Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist’ (ACFS)

The course is accredited by the Counter Fraud Professional Awards Body (CFPAB), supported by Northumbria University and attracts 40 level 4 credits at a Higher Education Institution (Level 4 is the equivalent of the first year of an undergraduate degree, an NVQ Level 4 or a BTEC Level 4)