Swift Edification works with primary and secondary schools across London and the South East to improve attendance punctuality and reduce persistent absenteeism. We are committed to ensuring pupils of statutory school age have maximum access to educational opportunities through regular and punctual school attendance. We provide comprehensive and bespoke education welfare consultancy packages to support schools with their attendance management and processes.
We offer bespoke support to all schools, with our wealth of experience, knowledge and understanding in attendance and safeguarding, Swift Edification know the challenges faced by all schools. As experts in our field, our consultancy has developed a range of packages offering strategic support and training to schools with the aim of supporting, developing and enhancing best practice in securing attendance, reducing persistent absence and safeguarding.

Recognised for our knowledge and practice, Swift Edification is involved in delivering training for various organisations regionally and nationally. We invest in the continued professional development of our team, ensuring that we are fully up to date with best practice, legislation, guidance and research in our field. As we are in the privileged position of working with so many schools, delivering attendance and welfare support, our practice is always current and constantly evolving.
Good attendance rates make all the difference to students learning. Any pupil with an 80% attendance rate over five years misses one complete year of school. But, with professional help, schools can improve attendance figures and support each pupil’s potential to learn and succeed.
How We Can Help
Our attendance consultancy team can help build capacity in your setting by taking both a strategic and a hands-on approach to attendance. This can include supporting attendance reviews, analysing your data and advising on practices to help identify the best use of your resources. We can also support these plans where necessary. Our main objective is to ensure young people achieve the best outcomes.
Attendance Reviews
Our attendance consultants will work with you and carry out a full and detailed review of your current attendance practice. During the review, we will look at your existing attendance policy, practices, and procedures. The core aim of this review will be to highlight and identify your strengths as well as any areas for development. Once our consultant has conducted the review, they will then provide you with a detailed report. The report will also contain recommendations and an action plan on what is required to improve attendance and punctuality.
Attendance Monitoring
The Education Secretary has recently stated that due to the increase in unauthorised absences since COVID, there needs to be a more collaborative approach around improving pupil attendance across all educational establishments.

The government have therefore advised all schools to improve overall attendance levels and have released several new guidelines on their expectations in improving attendance levels. Therefore, our consultancy team will work with your school over a period of time to ensure effective monitoring practices are embedded. Whilst advising you accordingly to identify your most vulnerable cohorts, they will also be ensuring effective strategies (whole school, targeted groups or individualised) are implemented successfully.
You’re School in Safe Hands:
Our attendance consultants who have all previously worked within schools as attendance officers amd the local authority as Education Welfare Officers will work with your school to ensuring good attendance practice while safeguarding issues remain paramount. The consultant will attend your school to monitor school attendance policy, advise on holding attendance meetings with parent/carers for individual pupils with poor attendance, provide advice on tracking and monitoring attendance, and suggest ways to improve attendance. The consultant may also advise, make recommendations on the school attendance policy in line with government legislation. Our attendance consultant will also inform you of new and emerging support – including attendance punctuality and initiatives, register sweeps, early bird, and late gate initiatives.
Swift Edification offers a broad range of strategic support tools designed to assist schools in delivering early intervention and to prevent a deterioration in attendance. Our aim is to meet specific requirements by developing bespoke strategies for individual schools, families and children. We believe we are the service provider of choice for school attendance support.
Examples of strategies:
• Home Visits and Home School Liaison.
• Attendance Assessment: (practical ways to improve punctuality and attendance including updating policies and procedures.)
• Family support, pupil liaison and safeguarding during lockdown and partial closures.
• Referral Meetings.
• Training and supervision for attendance support staff within schools.

• Attendance Analysis Reports
• Tailored policies and letters
• Welfare and family support
• Audit of whole school attendance and action report.
• Attendance Clinics.
• Attendance Data Analysis.
Safeguarding ‘safe and well checks’ – (for vulnerable pupils or children who may be missing education.)
• Statutory Intervention (for case work.)
• Individual Casework.
• Early help referral support.
• Advice on the Law governing attendance.
• Strategy Support Meetings.
• Parenting Contracts
For further information on our managed attendance consultancy and services please submit an enquiry form which can be found on our contact page or alternatively call us.